Don't Count On It

Allana Caswell and Buzz Bidstrup

Shoestring SR 39

Ron Adsett
Capital News (CN)Jan 2003 Vol 28 No 1

Caswell has a pedigree in country music that stretches back further than he or his ex-wife's care to remember, with many award winning songs and the Golden Guitars to his credit.

This album has nothing to do with any of that. Not that it's not country influenced, but it's a project of a different kind for Alan and producer Buzz Bidstrup. As Allan describes it ..." Buzz through use this album. He also wrote all the songs with me, which means he shares of the credit and the responsibility for it.

Writing songs with a left-handed drummer/rock Legend who plays a right handed guitar, upside down is an interesting experience ( especially when you're trying to learn the Chords).

Don't Count On It started life as a one of song writing session, which grew into six months of writing, rewriting and recording a bunch of songs, like anything either of farce had ever written before.

between us, we'd had years of writing and absorbing all kinds of influences.

On Don't Count On It we used nearly all of him"

and even with equal parts of Caswell's country's history and Bidstrup's Angel experience it is still very interesting project worthy of note.

As Caswell and Bidstrup first met him Tamworth while the latter was promoting the first Stetson's album many years ago, it is fitting that this one will be launching at the 2003 festival all these years later

Shoestring SR 39


By Ron Adsett

Reprinted From Capital News:

For further information contact:

Shoestring Records

Ph: 02 4784 1950

Panache PR

Ph: 0419 419827


























All Songs Written By Allan Caswell And Buzz Bidstrup (Warner Chappell)
Except "No Way To Treat A Friend"
By Allan Caswell, Buzz Bidstrup And Chris Bailey (Warner Chappell/Universal)