Vale John Dengate. A True Australian Son.
Shoestring Records is very
sad to inform you that John Dengate, passed away at his home yesterday
The funeral is scheduled for Thursday, 8/8/2013. The funeral service
will be held:
1.15pm, Thursday 8th August 2013
Northern Suburbs Crematorium (North Chapel)
199 Delhi Road
North Ryde NSW
In lieu of flowers consider a donation to Garvan Research Foundation.
A beautiful Retrospective
on John is available at

Tributes for this page can
be emailed to
Dobe Newton "Without the pioneers and true believers
like John, our music community and the nation would be a poorer
place. Great memories and legacy old mate - you'll be with us
all for many, many years."
Warren Fahey I championed John's music for nigh on 40 years.
Sadly missed but his songs will live on. 'Macca' host of the (deservedly)
hugely popular ABC radio program 'Australia All Over' will feature
a half hour tribute to three great Australians next week - 9am
11th August. Warren Fahey will reminisce about the contributions
of three of his mates - Gary Shearston, John Dengate and Peter
O'Shaughnessy. All three men gave Australia a unique voice - Gary
and John as songwriters and singers and Peter as an actor specialising
in colonial readings. Warren worked with all three, releasing
recordings of Gary and John on Larrikin and, over the past decade,
several new albums of Gary Shearston on Rouseabout Records. He
produced Peter O'Shaughnessy in the award-winning ABC series 'The
Great Australian Legend' which also featured the sorely missed
Declan Affley.
Life is too fleeting
Peter Galvin "I called him a worship, yer bastard."
Keith McKenry We have few giants alive in Australia, and now
we have one less. John Dengate has not however passed into the
silence he has instead embraced his forebears and now provides
from a different side of the mortal divide a navigable bridge
between the troubled Australia of the present and that of its
Irish-Australian past. As he rejoins bare-legged Kate and the
peach-pickers of his childhood, the kids at Carlingford for whose
cricket games cars would drive off the single-lane bitumen road,
his father the orchardist and sheet metal worker, and drinks Coopers
Ale with his uncles, sprawling with them on the grass in the sun,
he will continue to haunt conservative politicians, bumbling administrators,
dodgy bookmakers, corrupt businessmen and tall poppies of all
descriptions. And he won't merely do it from the grave, he will
do it with the living voice of all those he inspired, who will
sing his songs, recite his poems, and create new works spurred
on by his example. There has never been a more potent songwriter
in this country, and nor has there been a more dedicated Australian.
He loved this country with a passion for which words are manifestly
inadequate, and he spurned with a vengeance cant and toadyism
of any colour or dimension. Had he been prepared to sell his genius
to the highest bidder, to kow-tow to the sanitized sensitivities
of television executives and advertisers, or even to make the
slightest effort at self-promotion, his would be a household name
across this country. Instead, he chose passionately to identify
always with Bill from Erskinville and all his battler mates, to
spurn compromise and live forever an indominable free spirit.
His is a life to celebrate. Let us do that, and by our actions
do justice to his memory.
Steve Wigham Very sad to hear about John's passing, I remember
performing at the Battle of Vinegar hill bi- centenary celebrations
and having a yarn with him about song writing. He invited me around
to his place for a beer and a strum but I never got around to
it! my big loss...
Barbara Morison RIP John, a wonderful remarkable and unique
singer songwriter.
Andrew Kaye:-( A great loss The world is going to wonder
why it is a little sadder tonight ....vale
Doc Wright: We just lost one of the premier wits of the
nation. Vale, Mr Dengate.
Robert Brock A great loss to Australian Folk Music RIP
Alan Blackshaw A sad loss.
Karen Lynne :-( A great loss
Christine Clapp Malcolm and I are very sad to hear the
Lisa Pegler I'm so sorry, my best thoughts to his family
Anne-Marie Bland RIP John Dengate... such memories!
Thegypsyjack Boggleshow Australia is a lot poorer because
of his death. At least we have the treasure of the heritage he
left the nation in his recorded songs, beloved poetry and yarn
recitals. Vale John Dengate you will be long respected & remembered.
Carolyn Stuart-Dalton A legacy of memories left behind.
Doug Jenner Feeling the loss of a best man and special
mate I loved. So many shared laughs, yarns, tunes songs, meals,
beers and cricket moments over 28 years.
Australian Roots Series
John Dengate's Brilliant new
double set. Recorded live in concert. Political parody and poignant
pieces of poetry, prose and song
from one of Australian Folk Musics
living treasures. A terrific retrospective of John's fifty year
contribution to Australian herritage.
John's Double Set is
Available by phone order 02 4788 1157 or emailed
Produced by Keith McHenry in
Canberra, ACT some real and genuine warmth from deep in the cold,
cold heart of the Nation's political capital
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